a full range of pressroom productsPressroom SuppliesWash Rolls Pressclean and Fibrewipe Fogra approved Wash rolls Blankets Exact dot, Perfect Dot, Vulcan, Day and more blankets available Fount Solutions All Sun Chemical Founts Varn Founts Prisco Founts Plus many more Pressroom…

an extensive range in stockCoatings & VarnishesWe stock an extensive range of SunCoat water based coatings, and Conventional and UV Lithographic varnishes. Ask us about our special finishes About UsGet in touch

Conventional SunLitProviding excellent printability and fast setting, the SunLit series of conventional sheetfed inks are ideal for a wide variety of lithographic presses. Meet or exceed increasing pressroom productivity demands while producing high-quality output with the SunLit series of conventional…

50 years of experienceColour Matching & PantoneWe are the only independent ink mixing facility in the midlands. With over 50 years of experience in colour matching we produce Conventional, UV and Low migration spot colours in house, which enables us…